Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Journey Begins!

I left for Egypt...the journey begins! 

It was a hard day trying to leave...I was sad, nervous, stressed, completely convinced that I was forgetting about 30 things, bewildered, and very apprehensive. As I gave the house a last clean I completely broke down, and in true Lindsey's stomach fashion, threw up twice. (My stomach doesn't deal with stress well. Never has.) 

Strangely though, as my stuff and I were loaded into the car to go to the airport, a calm started to come over me. It just so happened as well that I read an article that my sister, Ashely, had sent me a few days earlier that I hadn't had time to read: 

It says there is never a good time to travel. You will always find an excuse; a reason not to. A way to put it off until tomorrow... but tomorrow never comes. Live your life today. 

It was exactly what I needed to hear. By the time I got to the airport and put my backpack on my back, I was as ready as I was ever going to be. And so....

Let it begin!

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