Saturday, November 15, 2014

A little more time in Amman

My little tour group came to an end in Madaba, and we all went our separate ways. Anne (My roomie!), John and Maria, as well as Jim and Irma were continuing on to Jerusalem... then Jim and Irma were continuing to Morocco and Spain after that...Martin and Frances were going home to England (And hopefully a brand new grandchild!)... and "Kiwi" John was off to Iran. A fond farewell to all, and with luck we will all be keeping in touch.

Since there wasn't too much going on in Madaba, I decided to come back to Amman for a few days to see what I could see, as well as put myself both in 1 location for more than a day and a half....and get some wifi going!! The rain that has continued while I've been here has caused some flash flooding (Which gave me a great excuse to stay inside, catch up on some sleep, and write this blog!), but I did get out to walk around the city and explore a little more. 

It's a bit of a crazy city, since it's situated on multiple hilltops. There are government regulations that say all of the buildings are supposed to remain painted the same color... but there is an amazing array of graffiti art all around! It reminded me in a way of Bushwick, back in Brooklyn, NY- with art popping up around unexpected corners all the time. 

A good friend of mine also had sent me an interesting link about an Egyptian woman who's a street artist, Ajjawi. She has created a feminist street arts festival called Women on Walls, inviting men and women from around the world to contribute works of art on walls that would contribute thought provoking conversations on women. 

I was intrigued as she was just coming to Jordan before I was there, so I went out in search of as much art as I coud find. I didn't get all the way out to the art gallery where she started, but I saw a lot of beautiful graffiti art!
Below was probably my favorite wall that I came across! Just loved the colors and design. 

There was also another festival that seemed to have just ended called "Art for All" that contributed art around the city. I tried to get out and find as much of it as I could! 


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